
The Role of Patriarchal Religion in the Global Oppression of Women & Reclaiming the Sacred Feminine

This forum was hosted by FIST on March 26, 2022. For more details see:
For a list of references and resources, see: https://feministstruggle.org/2022/03/02/the-role-of-patriarchal-religion-in-the-global-oppression-of-women-and-reclaiming-the-sacred-feminine/role-of-patriarchal-religion-in-the-global-oppression-of-women-resource-list/

Most people believe that there has always been patriarchy, that women have always been treated like sex objects and chattel, blamed for men’s violent behavior, disrespected, dispossessed, disregarded, and treated like lesser humans unworthy of equality since the dawn of time. This is not the case. Once there was a Goddess, and things were different.
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