
Religion versus Spirituality: What Is The Difference??

You may have heard—or even used—the terms religion and spirituality interchangeably. But while they aren’t diametric opposites, neither are they the same. Learn how to tell the difference between religion and spirituality.

For thousands of years, humanity has passionately pursued the Truth with a capital T—the ultimate answers to life and the universe. This perennial knowledge constitutes the answers to what are often called the soul questions:

Who am I?

What do I want?

What is my purpose?

What is the meaning of life?

Historically, from the perspective of the soul, there have been two foundational routes to discover these truths: religion and spirituality.

Although they have many similarities and there is a relationship between the two, there are differences between religion and spirituality.

Today, I'm telling you exactly what they are!
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