
Execution of Paul Szczurek - Nazi Guard at Auschwitz Concentration Camp - The Holocaust - WW2

Execution of Paul Szczurek - Nazi Guard at Auschwitz Concentration Camp - The Holocaust - WW2. Paul Szczurek was born on June 26, 1908 near Katowice. He was a Polish citizen of German nationality. Before the outbreak of the WW2, he used to work as a steelworker. In January 1940 he joined the SS and in October 1940 he started to work in Auschwitz concentration camp where he committed his worst crimes. He held various positions in the camp and worked not only at censorship office for letters and parcels for prisoners but also as a concentration camp guard and block leader. . He took active part in selections for gas chambers and was known for his bestiality. After the end of the war, Paul Szczurek had to finally face justice and pay for his crimes. He was tried at the Auschwitz trial which began on November 24, 1947. The trial lasted one month and sentenced Paul Szczurek to death by hanging.

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