
Episode 277: Why the Story of The Church Matters - UPLOAD 2

Are you a history buff? Do you like connecting the past with the present? Brandon Bathauer joins this discussion with Linda and Jason and share, in their animated style, how context and story help make the church more real, people of the Bible more real and even help your faith become more real and meaningful. How could the study of the history of the church change your relationship with Jesus? Learn this and so much more in Episode 277: Why The Story Of The Church Matters.

Additional resources:
100+ Significant Moments in Church History. A podcast by Mike Woodruff

The Story of Christianity, Vol. 1: The Early Church to the Dawn of the Reformation by Justo L. Gonzalez https://www.amazon.com/Story-Christianity-Vol-Church-Reformation/dp/006185588X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=PXUWEUWNA2BT&keywords=the+story+of+christianity+justo+gonzalez&qid=1652374756&sprefix=The+Story+of+Ch%2Caps%2C206&sr=8-1

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