
Disastrous Experimental Weapon Of World War II

The Panjandrum, a massive wheel lined with rockets, was supposed to blast through the German defenses.

The Panjandrum was supposed to change the course of the war for the British and help the Allies on D-Day. Instead, it almost took out a dog.

The fortifications of the Atlantic Wall made invasion a risky proposition.

Towering walls of concrete made an invasion seem impossible. Until the Brits came up with a weapon capable of blasting through the Atlantic Wall.

After spinning down the beach, the Panjandrum finally came to rest on its side.

Undeterred, the DMWD modified the prototype. They added another wheel and more rockets. Finally, to keep the machine on course, they reinforced the wheels with steel cables.

British admirals and generals gathered to watch the final trial of the Panjandrum.

The test started out smoothly. With rockets firing, the Panjandrum rolled across the water and onto the beach. But then the test took a turn.

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